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Welcome to Sami

Salsa would like to welcome Sami Ullah as our Lead QA Automation Engineer.

Salsa Digital 4 June 2019

Welcome Sami

Salsarian since 15 April 2019

Salsa is delighted to welcome Sami Ullah to the Salsa Digital team. As our new Lead Quality Assurance Automation Engineer, Sami will be assigned tickets once a developer has actioned a particular agile ‘story’. For example, for new site builds he may be testing the whole website (a section at a time), ensuring all areas are functioning as they should and testing the site on different devices (desktop computers, laptops and mobile phones) and different web browsers (Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, etc.). Or if a developer has implemented a new website feature, Sami will focus on testing that specific feature.

For manual testing, the key is understanding what the story's about, manually creating the scenarios to test that feature and then trying different variations. Sami then submits a report to the developers highlighting any necessary fixes or areas that could be improved. Once fixed, the developers will then send the ticket back to Sami for further testing before the functionality/website is released. Manual testing also includes general tests to identify any bugs or glitches (such as being able to login without a username), or functionality that’s not performing as it should.

Sami also has an extensive background in test automation — creating automated test scenarios to reduce manual test runs. Sami’s automation skills, experience and tooling will enhance Salsa’s rigorous testing process.

“I’m really enjoying working at Salsa. The process is very good — tickets are groomed nicely and you don’t need to go back to the developer to understand the process.”

About Sami

Sami holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Jammu in India. After his studies, Sami worked as a Drupal developer for Axelerant for about a year before moving to QA at Cognizant. A year later he moved into automation at Srijan. Sami worked at Srijan for four years before moving to Salsa.

Why Salsa?

Sami was recommended for the QA job by fellow Salsarian, Tarnnum (who’s also a lead QA engineer). Sami chose Salsa for a few reasons, including the fact that he’d worked with Tarnnum and our tech lead Suchi in the past and both had recommended Salsa. “I was also really impressed with the work Salsa has been doing in Drupal development and was interested in working remotely, working for a company outside of India that has a remote work culture. And I wanted to work mainly on Drupal projects.”

Sami lives with his mother, his wife and their one-year-old daughter in Kashmir. Welcome Sami! View Sami's Salsa profile

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